
"Come and sample the wares"

I won't speculate on the impact of DC's latest announcement on the comic book industry and the direct market. Better writers have done so already. But I will confine myself to a few observations. First is this statement:
"We really want to inject new life in our characters and line," says Dan DiDio, co-publisher of DC with Lee. "This was a chance to start, not at the beginning, but at a point where our characters are younger and the stories are being told for today's audience."
And the there's this one bold assertion:
"If we can convince the people here we're doing something brand-new and fresh, we have a good chance to really get the people outside on board," DiDio says...

"You're trying to have your cake and eat it, too," [Jim] Lee says. "You're trying to keep the iconic elements there, but at the same time freshen up the look so that people are intrigued by what they're seeing and hopefully come and sample the wares."

The recent emphasis on diverse characters such as lesbian superheroine Batwoman, Hispanic hero Blue Beetle and African-American adventurer Cyborg (who will be a core member of [Geoff] Johns and Lee's new Justice League) also will continue.
Lets review. Here's the original JLA roster from Brave and the Bold #28 published in 1960:

Brave and the Bold #28

And here's the recently released illustration of the newly revamped characters drawn by Jim Lee:

JLA #1

See that? The JLA is more "modern", "fresh" and "diverse" now that perennial second stringer Cyborg has joined a team that is reverting back to the same, mostly white and male, members (some of them dating back to the late 30s). Many of them are now sporting new neck collars and baby faces, so they can be both "iconic" and "brand new". And lets not forget that the new writer is currently DC's resident Silver Age fetishist Geoff Johns. No need to read the comic itself for confirmation folks. Makeover accomplished!